

Like Taking Food From a Prego...

Yes, my friends, I have done it. I have just become the epitome of being pregnant...

I lost my mind over Ryan eating the last of the Salt & Vinegar potato chips (my current craving).

Lost. My. Mind.

Let me set the stage for you....

There I was, sitting on the bed, and I stooped down to grab the chips that were next to the bed, remnants of my late snack last night. As I peer into the bag, I make a disheartened remark about there being barely any chips left. I'm about to reach my hand in to enjoy the last of the deliciousness, when Ryan reaches his hand in as well, and scoops up almost ALL OF THE CHIPS.

I asked him incredulously, "Did you really just take food from a pregnant woman? Really?"

I almost cried. And I wouldn't speak to him for an extended amount of time.

I regained control of my hormones, apologized for being a wench, and then proceeded to beg him to go pick up more.

I must try to keep these hormones in check! Poor Ryan! Sheesh! 

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