

Zachy the Cutie Patootie

Mornings are hectic around here, getting everyone to school on time is quite the process. I always look forward to that final moment where I pull up to their perspective schools, give them lovies, and drop them off. 

Then, as I pull away from the school, I have to resist the urge to scoop them back up and spend the whole day at home snuggling, cuddling, and playing. 

I reluctantly drive away even though nearly every morning I can feel tears prickling in my eyes. Education IS necessary, right?! 

Having been a stay-at-home Mom (almost) their entire lives, I have a slight separation anxiety every time they're away from me. 

After the first hour, I get into my groove, and immerse myself in cleaning or laziness or blogging, as I'm currently doing. 

Ahh look at my Zachary. He picked out his outfit all by himself and was incredibly proud when I loved it. 

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