

Maddison's Birth Story

Here is Maddie's birth story... enjoy :)

I had a doctor's appointment on December 1, 2010 to strip my membranes. Since it was my fourth baby, I knew it would work and I was excited to meet my baby girl.

I went in at 2:00pm, I was 4-5 centimeters dilated and almost completely effaced. After my appointment was over, I went home and relaxed, played with my three boys, and waited for something to start.

At 5:30pm I felt my first contraction. Due to my really fast previous births, I wanted to go straight to the hospital.

When I got there, around 6pm, I told the nurses in Labor & Delivery that the baby was coming tonight. They checked me and I was at 6cm, but they weren't convinced it was going to happen as fast as I knew it was. Then dawdled, wanted to observe me for awhile, etc. I was still in the closet sized observation room.

About ten minutes later, I asked to be checked again. I was at 8 cm. The nurses believed me now.

They rushed to get a room ready and wheeled me down the hall.

 I had asked for an epidural right when I came in so I could get it in time for delivery and the anesthesiologist showed up very quickly. Unfortunately, for some insane reason, he missed the vein in my back and then decided to leave to check on another patient. I was in pain and confused (and without an advocate) so he left without answering my questions.

Maddie was born shortly thereafter. It was a rough one, I had expected an epidural and been let down, so I was not prepared for the pain of delivering my largest baby naturally. I wasn't pushing for long, so thank God for that.

6:28pm on December 1, 2010 weighing in at 7lbs 4oz and 19" my little princess was born. Head of blonde hair and blue eyes.

She was perfect!

Maddison Sophia Linn <3

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