

Mom Guilt

You know you've felt it. Maybe a little too often?

I struggle from time to time, as all mothers do, with what I call Mom Guilt. We compare ourselves to other moms, our friends, our own mothers, and feel inadequate. We didn't do a craft/project/take an awesome adventure/give them the healthiest possible food/ remember that one time you yelled?!

It's overwhelming.

Oh that Mom over there? She looks amazing every single day. Her hair looks awesome, her clothes are so cute, and baby weight, what baby weight?! She eats all organic. Not to mention her kid behaves like an angel every time you meet up for playgroup. Her life is perfect.
   What you don't know....
She's struggling with an abusive husband and an eating disorder. She's miserable. And envious of YOU.

All moms struggle in one way or another, it is a fact of life. Stop being so harsh on yourself.

Also, avoid the Mommy Wars at all costs.

Step foot into any online forum and you will see WWIII. Moms get to duke it out over their parenting choices with the anonymity of the internet. Circumcision, breast feeding, bottle feeding, baby wearing, attachment parenting, potty training, natural birth, epidural, c-section, the list goes on and on. Half of it I didn't even know was controversial until I joined an online forum called CafeMom. I went there for support during the pregnancy of my third child and part of me wishes I hadn't.

Avoid it.

Here's an idea: do your research. Make your own informed decision without listening to someone from the internet telling you that you fail as a mother because you didn't breast feed or cloth diaper.

I read an amazing article that a friend told me about. READ IT. It will remind you of how good of a mom you really are.

Article: Why You're Never Failing As A Mother

An amazing friend of mine likes to say "The beautiful thing about parenting is every one parents differently."

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