

Eyelash Extensions

My experience with eyelash extensions...

I really wish I had some before photos for you all to see, but I completely forgot to snap a pic. Suffice it to say, my eyelashes are wimpy. I blame it on the Swede blood.

I got eyelash extensions applied about a month ago. The entire process took about 2.5 hours! The beautician has to attach a false lash to each of your individual lashes, one at a time. Although the final product can be breathtaking, there are some things everyone needs to know before making the plunge.

Some things I learned:
1. Do not talk during the process. When you talk, your face moves, as do your eyes, and it makes it very difficult for the applicator. Bring headphones and listen to music.

2. The adhesive STINGS if you get the fumes in your eyes. Do not open your eyes at all during the process, it'll make your eyes water for a good ten minutes.

3. Do not pick a lash extension that your natural lash cannot support. I went for the more dramatic lash and I now know that my wimpy lashes couldn't hold them correctly. They fell off much quicker than usual and did not lay correctly. If you have naturally thick lashes, this won't be a problem for you.

4. You can wear all kinds of eye make up with false lashes. No specialty make up required.

5. You cannot rub or wipe your make up off at the end of the day. You have to use Qtips and go around the lashes as to not disturb the adhesive. Kind of a pain in the butt.

6. It looks pretty odd when the lashes shed from one area fast. You will end up with a big gap in your lashes.

7. Do not wear make up to your appointment. Zero make up anywhere on your face. The person applying the lashes will be all over your face with their hands and it will rub all of your make up off. And also very messy.

Would I get them again? Perhaps, I'm on the fence. I would definitely choose a more natural lash and decide from there at the very least. I would recommend them to someone with thicker lashes. Although that somewhat defeats the purpose of getting lash extensions in the first place.

You never know until you try!

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