

What to Bring to the Hospital

What does this mama of (almost) 6 put in the hospital bag?

Check it out, you don't need much! You will be surprised at how much the hospital provides and how much you really don't need in your stay there. 

1. Comfortable outfit. Yoga pants, shirt, sweater, nursing bra, panties. 
If you're having a photographer, be sure this outfit is also photo friendly.

2. Your electronic device and CHARGER. 
Don't forget the charger! 

3. Toiletries for you. 
Make up if you want it. (You'll want it if you're being photographed)
If you don't regularly use dry shampoo, you may want to look into for your stay. Its fast and easy, and then you aren't dealing will wet drippy hair. You can just pop a shower cap on and wash up, get out and snuggle your newborn. 

4. For baby - outfit, hat, blanket, and carseat. 

That's it mamas! You don't need to bring a huge elaborate bag with tons of gear, there is no need for it.  

Things I often see on hospital bag lists:
1. Bottles - if you are formula feeding, you still don't need to bring a bottle. The hospital will most likely provide you with newborn bottles and formula. If you are unsure, call and ask the hospital you will be delivering at. 

2. Breast pump - the hospital will provide you will a medical grade breast pump while you are there. They are awesome!

3. A million different outfits for you and baby. No. You will most likely only be there for 24-36 hours. You will be wearing a gown for most of your stay. If you know you will be staying longer, bring an extra outfit for yourself. Baby won't need one. 

4. Nursing pillow - the hospital will most likely have this. Call and ask if you are unsure. 

5. Books, magazines, computers - I suppose these might be good for an extended stay or a very long labor, but I never found them useful. I had short labors and then I was always so absorbed in my little one! 

What do you think would be useful in your hospital bag?

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