

Easy & Simple Learning Activities

As most of you know, my son Wyatt is delayed. He is five years old and has been diagnosed with auditory and visual processing disorders. In addition to that, he spent the majority of the first three years of his life

with asymptomatic ear infections. This damaged his hearing and drastically delayed his speech absorption and listening comprehension.

(For more information on those click HERE and HERE)

He has been in school now for almost three years - two years of special education preschool and now in kindergarten. After the first initial assessment upon entering kindergarten, I realized just how far behind he is. His teacher and the special education department at his school sat down and formulated a plan to get Wyatt caught up.

Since Wyatt is in half-day kindergarten, I continue his learning at home with sensory play, motor development activities, and other fun learning activities to help him along. I have a lot of different exercises we do, but here are our top favorites.

I'm going to show you the sites I originally got all of my activities and any ideas that sprang from there. I'll show you my own DIY on how I developed all of these activities for my own children, but I felt the original site needed credit first.

1. Letter work.

This is highly important for not only his motor skills, but also his letter recognition and reading. I have him do a work sheet of letters every single day. Sometimes I will make my own (see post on tracer worksheets), other times I will print off a worksheet I find on Pinterest, and other times I will open up a workbook.

Tracer Sheets: HERE

Letter Sheets: HEREHEREHERE, and HERE

Workbooks: Costco has the BEST for a great price.

2. Math

THIS post on Fun-a-Day has some great math exercises that are simple and easy, and very effective.

3. Motor Skills

Beyond writing their letters, there are other ways to hone those motor skills.

THIS POST has some awesome free printables for motor skills using fun objects like buttons and fluff balls.
I switch up the items that we put in the dots on a regular basis. Sometimes I even use food or candy. 

As well as THIS POST on sandbox writing
This is always fun because what kid doesn't like sand?!

Lacing is a great way to exercise those motor skills. Just punch a couple holes in a toilet paper roll and voila!
Wyatt concentrates SO hard on these small activities and feels so accomplished when he laces the whole roll. It's great for those fine motor skills to me used in a different way. 

4. Sensory

There are so many sensory activities out there, I love all the creative options. Some of my favorites are:

Sensory Bags 

I love these from Hands On As We Grow, there are adorable and easy! Wyatt has a great time identifying the items and searching for the specific items. When I made mine, I included a small note card of whats in them, for a search and find activity. 

Fidgety Kids Hacks 

I keep a lot of random items on hand for Wyatt to play with. He gets easily overwhelmed with loud noises or when people are trying to talk to him and he doesn't understand. These fidgets help him stay calm. 


Above ALL else, REPETITION is the number one thing that will help your child develop and grow. Wyatt has progressed so much in the last few months, and I know it's because of the hard work he puts in at school and at home.

All of these activities above have sprouted new ideas for learning from me and I will continue this series with my own personal additions.

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