

Lincoln Turns One

Our sweet Lincoln is ONE!

I really can't believe how fast the year has gone. 
Getting settled into Oregon, growing closer to family. 
It's been a great year!

Now for the stats. 

Lincoln is 26 lbs, heavier than Roman (2.5 years) by two lbs. 
He's not walking yet, hallelujah. 
He has 8 teeth. 
He says "mama" and "dada"
Claps, giggles, babbles. 

He signs "more". 

He eats everything. 

He gets up with us at 5am every morning, smile on his face.

He dances to "Downtown" by Macklemore with me while I'm getting ready every morning.

I'm a little sad our last baby is now one, I would have more babies for sure. 
But alas, we are done. 

Lincoln's birth story...

I was 35 weeks 4 days. 

It was 8pm at night, when I felt the contractions coming. When you are about to have your 6th baby you figure out when it's real and when it's not. I knew it was time. 

I called my mom to come sleep at my house with the other kiddos. 

Ryan and I headed to the hospital, checked in. 

They checked my records and apparently I was positive for Group B Strep, so they gave me a mondo epidural dose to try to stall labor while they administered antibiotics. 

I slept on and off that night, mostly took pictures of Ryan sleeping on the couch in funny positions. 

Around 9am, they came and turned down the epidural, and I was at 7cm. 

I sent Ryan to pick up the boys from the house and take them to school. He was gone about 10 minutes when I started feeling some pressure and called them in to check me. 

I was at 10cm, and Lincoln's head was in the birthing canal. 


So I called Ryan and told him he needed to get back ASAP. 
I did some breathing exercises and willed myself not to push. 

The doctor came in and gowned up, while I was trying not to panic. 

Finally, Ryan crashes into the room, and about 30 seconds later, Lincoln was born!

6lbs 13oz
Perfect little muffin. 

Happy Birthday Muffinman!

Just born! Hello world!

Under the warmer

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