

Wyatt With The Eyes That Sparkle

I know the title sounds like a cheesy song, but that is what I think of my sweet boy Wyatt James. 

He is such an amazing boy, trying so hard to work through his brain that doesn't work the way others' do. 

When Wyatt was a baby, he has recurrent asymptomatic ear infections for a long period of time. 
Every time we went to the doctor, he had an ear infection - no fever, no fussiness, no crying, or ear pulling.  

After several different treatments, they were finally resolved with some hearing damage. 

But as he aged and didn't progress, I knew there was more to his lack of communication and lack of understanding than just his hearing. 

Wyatt began a special education preschool at age 3 - he had speech issues (wasn't speaking at all) and he was able to get services through the school. 

He attended preschool for two years, with very little improvement.

He was evaluated at one point with the conclusion that he "may" have sensory processing disorders, but he was "too young" to diagnose. 

He finished kindergarten with slight improvement - he can speak much better and he can write his name. 

Today, I can say things to him and he will have no understanding of the words that come out of my mouth. He is regressing in the form of toddler-like fits and crying. 

My poor Wyatt is so frustrated at not understanding the world around him and not being able to communicate effectively, I can tell it is exhausting for him. 

I've had meeting after meeting with teachers, special ed teams, and doctors. 

Finally, I was able to get him referred to a pediatric neuropsychologist. She is going to perform all the tests and evaluations that should have been completed years ago. 

Our parent meeting is next week and his day long evaluation is the following week. Send up prayers, good thoughts, and vibes for our little guy. 

I hope we get an answer. I just want to know how to help him. 

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