

Father's Day

After getting divorced so young, and having four children already, 
I was sure no one would want me. 

Who would want to deal with the step parent drama, the obvious baggage of a young mother of four?

I can't believe I got so damn lucky. 

Honestly, after having been through such a terrible time with the divorce proceedings, I was in a precarious place. I could have ended up with a real asshole. 

But I got blessed with someone who loved me, my kids, and wanted to be the person for me and for my kids. 

As a mother, you want a father figure for your children. You want someone to love them unconditionally, you want them to be cherished the way you cherish them. 

I'm so happy to have found that person.

Not that it's been easy, sunshine, and rainbows. 

Its been lots of hard work, but he wants to do the work. He does the work every single day of our lives. He works hard to make our family function as a unit. 

So, thank you, to the man and father who stepped into our lives with love, and melded with us seamlessly. 

We love you. 

And shout out to my dad, Happy Father's Day Fasha! 

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