

Getting a Handle on Fitness

Fitness can be an overwhelming routine to break into. 

There are so many different opinions, an immense amount of information out there, and so many "quick fixes" that people offer. 

As a busy mom of six, I'm just going to share what worked for me and maybe something will help you on your journey.

I started working out about five years ago. Before that, the only exercises I had done were in high school track and gym class lol. 

At first, I just googled exercises. Tried to make a workout plan and eating plan, etc. It worked okay, I was getting more in shape, but it wasn't as effective as it could have been. 

 I got pregnant with baby number five about a year after I started going to the gym. I was sick often and very tired, so going to the gym was patchy and never consistent. 

After he was born, we moved to a different state just two months later, and it took me several months to get back into the groove there. 

This time, I tried working out at home, but that was always a disaster. I just don't have motivation for at home workouts like I do at the gym. I also followed a few diet rules that could have been very bad for my body (low fat and low carbs). Luckily that was only about six months, then I started trying new things. 

And, of course, I got pregnant with baby number 6. I went to the gym sporadically and didn't eat very well. 

After Lincoln was born, I started going back. I struggled, trying to find the most time efficient and effective workouts, still trying to learn how to eat for my nursing body. 

In January of 2015, I joined a fitness challenge with a personal trainer named Katy Hearn. 
I learned invaluable information from my time participating in the challenge. 
The documents included with the challenge explained, in detail, how to eat for your body, how to workout, everything. 

M  A C R O   D I E T I N G

Marco Dieting is, in my opinion, the best way to nourish your body, fuel your muscles for gains, and maintain energy. 

Since macros are personalized, you aren't just fitting into a cookie cutter mold of a fad diet. 

It's also NOT a deprivation diet. You eat within your limits, and the limits force you to make better choices. 

I would credit macro dieting with the majority of changing my body for the better. 

You can learn all about IIFYM  HERE

M E A L   P L A N N I N G

Meal planning will make or break you. 

I meal prep for my husband and myself according to our macros. I'm not going to lie, it was hard as hell and SO much work at first. But once I got the hang of it, I could crank out so many meals for us. 

When you're HANGRY, it's easy to just grab a quick bite from a fast food place and throw it down the hatch. 

This is where prepping your meals is handy. Make the time, once or twice a week, to make a bunch of meals in bulk. It will save you time, money, and save you from the munchies. 

Here are a few posts I've made on meal prepping:

And, if you need somewhere to start,  here are a few recipes I adapted to fit my macros:

M U S C L E   G R O U P   W O R K O U T S

I had a very basic and general knowledge of workouts before participating in the challenge. 

There is such a huge variety of workouts that you can do that aren't just the weight machines. I love having a plan. It helps me walk in to the gym with a purpose and knowing what I'll be doing there. 

Don't be afraid of throwing around a lot of weight. The muscles building is what makes you strong and gives a beautiful shape to your body. 

You aren't going to look manly or masculine by lifting. 

There are plenty of workout plans on, or you can buy one direct from a personal trainer. 

You can find some that I started with   HERE

S T I C K   W I T H   I T

I know this is something that is constantly said, but consistency is KEY.

You might say you don't have time. Yes, you do. Make the time. Not only does this help you feel good about yourself and your body, it helps keep you healthy, you gain strength, and it's a stress release.

Go all in. 

Don't go to the gym and fuck around for an hour. Know what you're doing, give it your all, and watch how your body changes.

Everyone goes through cycles with life, and that's no different for the gym. I have gone through periods where I don't want to workout at all, where I struggle to get to the gym, and my motivation is tanked.

I can tell you from experience, that I always feel worse not going. My energy goes down, I don't have the endorphins, or the stress release. 

I know a lot of moms have a really hard time getting to the gym, but I think it is most important for moms to go. 

Find a gym with a daycare. Have an hour of peace while you prioritize yourself and your health. 

There will be times you can't go; sick kid, sick you, up all night with a teething baby. 
And that's okay. Don't beat yourself up, motherhood is a balancing act. 

But don't put yourself on the back burner, you can't pour from an empty cup. Fill your cup first, so you have the energy and the mental capacity to fill the cups of your children and family. 

Just rip the bandaid off and do it. 

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