
The Beginning

Brody graduated 5th grade today. 

I am so, so proud of my boy.
He's developed into such an amazing kid, with a great heart, and so much love for his family and friends. I can always depend on him. He's so grown up and mature for his age, and he cares. He really, really cares. 

Photo by Alisa Hayes Photography

I feel like it was yesterday that him and I were living in our tiny apartment, sharing a twin bed. 

The beginning of our story.

I've touched on this several times, but for those who do not know, our story had a rough start.

I was 16 when I got pregnant with Brody.
I got kicked out of my house, and then stayed with my then-boyfriend's parents for a couple months.
That was a nightmare, to say the least.
I worked at Arby's and still attended high school.
There's no way I would have been able to support myself and sweet baby Brody.
So I applied for assistance.

Food stamps. Medicaid. Public housing.
That experience was completely mortifying. 

I grew up privileged. 
I had everything I needed and more. 
I was a lucky kid.
So to suddenly have to experience the other end of the spectrum, 
having to swallow my pride for my baby, was a difficult process. 

Newborn Brody

I remember that day in the public assistance office so clearly. 
The application was a huge packet of information that required every detail about my life.
I sat in thT office, filling this packet out for over an hour, then sat in a meeting with a case worker to determine if I was eligible. 

I was, of course, given my low income and age. 

Brody and newborn Zachary

I moved into a somewhat scary area. 
I remember often purposefully staying in my apartment after dark, 
as to not encounter the groups of people who hung around. 

 There were drunk people, druggies, and parties at all hours.

That's my old apartment.

Its so crazy to look at that front door now. 
It feels like a different life. 

And it was. 

This are pictures of an apartment very similar to mine in the same complex.

I was still attending high school during all of this, which was very difficult. 
I did have a few amazing teachers and a vice principle who supported me through it all. 

The transition from going to proud student to student mother was harsh. I didn't have a babysitter, I had to work, and I had to find a way to get shit done.

Brody, in the tiny apartment. 

Brody's dad ended up working nights, and I worked days. I had to go to work early, then head to the school for four periods, then head back to work with Brody sometimes. 

I cleaned up poop in between studying for tests and paying bills, I brought Brody to school with me to take tests.

Brody and I in the yearbook at my high school

People often judge me. 
It's just a fact of my life. I am young, I look young. And people draw their own conclusions. 
I think it's a natural response to seeing six children, and a former teen mom. 

And I think back to this time in my life as a scared 16 year old about to have a baby and I'm just grateful. Grateful to have come so far, to have grown, to have learned so much. 

I've made so many mistakes and I've set myself back countless times. 

But here I am today, a mom of six, married to the best man I've ever known, successful, fulfilled, and happy. Brody has become so mature, loving, and responsible.

We've come so far, baby boy.

Photo by Lady J Memories

I try to remember that no matter the current struggle, no matter where we currently are, things can always change. Things can and will get better. 

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