I was a bit nervous posting this, since I know the internet can be a cruel place. But I wanted to put this out there to show what real mom's bodies look like after children. So often we see celebrities who give birth and, within days, have that perfect body again. I'm sure there are people who walk out of the delivery room looking incredible, but that is not the norm. Everyone recovers differently, the important part is actually
allowing our bodies to recover.
#realmoms #realbodies #reallife
I, like many, want to be healthy and fit again. So instead of pushing my body to exercise, I eat healthy and make sure I'm taking in all the nutrients my body needs to make breastmilk for Linc.
What does my post baby diet look like? (I'm using the word "diet" in the original sense of the word: the kinds of foods that one habitually eats. Not in the restrictive sense)
It's simple: shop the outside aisles of grocery stores. Fresh fruits, fresh veggies, lean proteins, and healthy grains.
Protein is key for energy, grains help with milk production! Good to remember for those breastfeeding mamas.
Eat when you are hungry and eat normal portions.
Keeping healthy To Go snacks has been very helpful on those crazy days.
Of course, this is not all I've eaten. I do not abstain completely from favorite foods or treats, instead I aim for moderation. Let's be honest though, I did eat half a bag of peanut butter M&M's last night.
And wait until your doctor clears you for exercise before resuming intense exercise.
I'll be back to update my exercise plans after the doctor clears me in a couple weeks.