

Roman is turning 3 in less than a month. 

Time seems to be flying by, as it does with young children. 

He's a sweet little dude most of the time, though his "terrible twos" are quite exhausting. 

He loves his siblings and runs to give them hugs when they get home from school. 

He cries over everything. 

He helps clean the living room. 

He hides when he's in trouble. 

He snuggles all the time. 

He repeats alllll of my swear words. His favorite one right now is "shitty". 


I'm so excited to watch him grow, and hopefully cry less. 

Here are a few of the things you won't find Roman without on a daily basis. 



Faking Full Brows

How to fake full brows by a Swede with barely any hair. 

Wyatt With The Eyes That Sparkle

I know the title sounds like a cheesy song, but that is what I think of my sweet boy Wyatt James. 

He is such an amazing boy, trying so hard to work through his brain that doesn't work the way others' do. 



I cannot even count the number of times I have had rude, invasive, and absolutely uncalled for comments in public - all relating to the kids. 

"Wow, you look 18, how old are you?"

"That many kids would drive me CRAZY."

"Do they all have the same father?"

"Are you Mormon?"

"Why would you have that many kids?!"


Valentine's Day Fail

Lincoln did not want to perform today, even after cookies, and help from Roman. 
Ah the unpredictability of toddlerhood. 
Love these cuties. 



With Love Crochet

When Maddie's birthday was creeping up, I knew I wanted to get her something 
"different". Still along the lines of princesses, but not the typical thing from Target. 


Fit Tips From the Pros

A new year is always prime time for people to make resolutions for a healthier lifestyle. 
I applaud everyone just making the overwhelming step into the fit life!
My gym is so crowded, but I am so pleased to see people working their asses off!

I was lucky enough to get an interview with the ladies from Resilience Fitness & Nutrition 
this week, bringing you some awesome tips for those of you just starting out on your
journey to fitness!


New Years Resolutions

I'm not into New Year's resolutions.
Why wait for a new year to improve yourself? 
You need to be making the choice to improve all year long. 
Every single day, be better. 

But this year, especially after the whirlwind Christmas season, I need to check myself....

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