
Traveling With Kids

Traveling with six kids can be a daunting task. 

Six kids. 
In the car.

Up to 8+ hours.

Here are a few quick tips from this much traveled mama. They may seem pretty basic, but after all of the road trips we've done, they are still the most important in helping a long drive go smooth. 

1. Bring snacks. And then more snacks. And even more. 

Yes, it cuts down on expenses, but, more importantly, it cuts down on how many stops we make. 

2. Bring a cooler with milk, water, fruits, etc.

Nothing is worse than being in the car forever and not having some fresh, icy water and fruit.
It makes a difference when you've been in a stale feeling car all day. 

3. Bring a complete change of clothes for every single person. 

Obviously they'll have packed luggage, but you should bring a separate bag that's more accessible with a shirt, pants, underwear, socks, shoes. I can't tell you how many times we've had water spilled or stepped in mud or had an accident. 

4. Make as many stops as you can - at parks.

Letting the kids out to stretch at prime intervals is going to help you keep your sanity.
Wear them out for 10 minutes and then get back on the road. 

5. Have separate bags and separate snack bags.

Put everyone's activity books, electronics, and toys in their own bag. 
Then, portion out a few snacks and put those in their bags. It helps a ton!
Maddie's cute like bag is from Fawn Design. 
Get yours HERE

6. Have car chargers for everything. 

And then have back up chargers. I personally love all of the electronic options to keep kids entertained. It makes the long rides just that much easier. 

7. Bring headphones.

For them. For you. For everyone. 

8. Neck pillows

They will save your life. And your neck. Possibly your sanity.
They make resting easier without having to lug a giant pillow everywhere.
We got ours from CarriEight and we love them! The covers are super soft and they are blown up with air, which not only makes them portable, but adjustable for comfort!
Get yours HERE

I asked the kids what their number one car "Must Have" is. Here are there answers:

Brody: "Nintendo DS"

Zach: "A couple books"

Wyatt: "Teddy Bear"

Maddie: "Coloring book"

Roman: "Blue blanket"

Lincoln: "Hat"

Safe travels and happy (almost) summer!!

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